Monday, July 2, 2012

DIY~ Patriotic Socks

Just in time for the 4th of July!

Things You'll Need:
  • Pair of white socks
  • Red acrylic paint
  • Blue acrylic paint
  • Paintbrushes
Estimated Time To Make: one hour and a half


Step 1. Stuff the sock with newspaper or rags to keep its form.
(I just wore the sock on my foot. But I wouldn't recommend it, because the paint will bleed onto your skin.)

Step 2. Using masking tape, tape off stripes on one sock.

Step 3. Paint red in-between the tape stripes.

Step 4. Let the striped sock dry.

Step 5. Make a star stencil. (I printed up a 1.5" star, and cut it out)

Step 6. Trace the star all over the other sock. I recommend using a blue pen or marker.

Step 7. Using blue paint, outline each star carefully.

Step 8. Once each star is outlined, you can finish painting in the rest of the sock.

Step 9. Let dry completely & wear.
(If the sock is stiff due to the acrylic paint, you can soak it in hot water after letting it dry for 12 hours. However the paint may bleed a little.)